Endometriosis Advocacy
Connecting People To Promote HealingAwareness, Fundraisers, & Speaking Up
Endometriosis shaped and changed my life. I am now on a mission to be an advocate for awareness, Endo affects 1 in 10 womxn and it’s rarely talked about.
My goal is to change that and support people who are suffering.

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My Podcast: The Cycle
The Cycle a podcast about Endometriosis, with a goal not only to share endo stories, but to create a community to help others who are suffering.
Listen To The Latest Episode
Blog Posts About Endo
Chronic illness and denial.
Somedays being chronically ill reminds me of my daily denials that I can do it all, then something happens and the pain, denial, and sadness of this reality slap me in the face. I surrender to the pain and begin to deeply think about what I am really doing. At one...
Chronic illness is unpredictable, a story.
Chronic illness is unpredictable. No matter how much yoga, meditation, diet adjustments, supplements, heating pads, acupuncture, medications, stress reduction, positive mindset, & surgery, there is still pain. Picture this; you are feeling good, having a great...
Sunday Night Walk Thoughts- COVID 19
*written on April 5th, 2020 Shall we never again take for granted again... Hugs Travel Health Doctors Nurses Anyone who works in a hospital EMS Police Firefighters Postal Workers Fed Ex, UPS, Amazon staff All service employees Meetings Conferences Gyms Busy...
My Endo Advocacy In The Press
Featured Articles
A feature on my endometriosis awareness event from the Endometriosis Foundation of America. Read the article here
Women’s Excellence in Obstetrics and Gynecology highlights endometriosis awareness on the “Healthy Woman” show. Read the article here
My surgery story on DrSeckin.com. View the article here

Want To Connect?
Reach Out To Get In Touch
Can I help you on your Endo journey? After 20 years of suffering my goal is to educate and support people with Endo as well as their loved ones.